SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods is a scientific journal that publishes research/articles in the field of pedagogy and education. SDU bulletin accepts original academic articles that comply with the requirements set for scholarly work. Researchers should adhere to publication requirements: formulate a clear definition of a problem; review the relevance of the problem and the novelty of the research/the extent to which the problem have been researched. The analysis, results of the research, and conclusions should be well-founded. The reference list in the article should follow the requirements for scholarly referencing.
The authors should provide the following details: name, surname, academic (pedagogic) degree, name of his/her institution and position, address, or e-mail in Kazakh and English languages.
Editorial board of SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods responsible for the issue of the journal consider scientific manuscript submitted for publication. The members of the editorial board check for the correctness of design and compliance with the thematic direction of the journal, and accepts articles of scholars from Kazakhstan, but also other countries.
Review Policy
- Each manuscript/article submitted for publication undergoes a double-blind peer-review process.
- Scholarly peer reviews are conducted by scientific experts affiliated with SDU University in T + R position. Peer reviewers need to have the competence and scientific expertise (closest to the topic) in the subject areas that the journal covers, and has been publishing on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years.
- Allow peer reviewers 2 - 4 weeks for completion of reviews. At the request of the reviewer, it can be extended.
- Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and relate to information not subject to disclosure. If the review of the article indicates the need for correction, then the article is sent to the author for revision. If the paper has to be returned to the authors for revision, it should be resubmitted within l month.
- The editors reserve the right to reject articles if the author is unable or unwilling to take into account the wishes of the editors. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editorial board of the journal. The article can be sent for re-review or for approval by the editorial board.
- The decision on the appropriateness of publication after peer review is made by the editor-in-chief, and if necessary by the editorial board as a whole. The scientific editor informs the author of the decision.
- Reviews are kept in the editorial board of the journal for 3 years and submitted to the Committee of Control in Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic Kazakhstan (upon request by the Committee)
Review Guidelines
The review should objectively evaluate the manuscript and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages. The review shall be prepared in a free form, with obligatory coverage of the following provisions:
1) The relevance of the research/of the Manuscript;
2) The scientific novelty of the research results considered in the Manuscript.
3) The significance of the statement of the problem or the results obtained for the further development of theory and practice in the field of knowledge under consideration.
4) The adequacy of research methods and statistical processing of materials.
5) Admissibility of the total amount of pages of the Manuscript.
6) The tables and illustrative materials used in the manuscript shall be significant, relevant, valid, and appropriate to the stated topic. Research images should not be modified in a misleading way.
7) Correspondence of the conclusions to the goals and objectives of the study;
8) The quality of the article formatting as a whole: the style, terminology, wording;
9) The correctness and consistency of bibliographic data/references.
The peer review report should contain reasonable/objective/acceptable conclusions about the Manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation on the appropriateness of its publication in the journal, the refusal to publish, or the need for its revision.
Each reviewer has the right to refuse a review if there is a clear conflict of interest affecting the perception and interpretation of manuscript materials. Based on the results of the manuscript review, the reviewer makes recommendations (each decision of the reviewer is justified):
- the article is recommended for publication in its current form/state;
- the article is recommended for publication after the correction of the deficiencies noted by the reviewer;
- the article needs additional review by another Reviewer;
- The article is not allowed to be published in the journal.
Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs. Reviewing is confidential. Violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials used in the article are false.