Yabanci dil olarak türkçe öğretiminde a1 ve a2 seviyesinde kullanilan anadolu ders kitaplarindaki dinleme metinlerinin içerik analizi
ABSTRACTRecordings (CD, tape recorder, mp3), listening texts and other related consolidation activities are utilised in first or foreign language course textbooks whose aim is to improve listening skills and so is benefiting from the available listening skills capacity. It is of utmost importance that these resources should be of high quality and developed thoroughly in order that an effective and persistent language acquisition process takes place. In this work, recordings and listening texts used in Anadolu Turkish as a foreign language A1 and A2 level Coursebook 1 and 2 were analysed. The text analysis, a qualitative research methodology, was implemented in the research. During the course of the research, 35 recordings accompanying a total of 299 listening activities were analysed in accord with the criteria set out for A1 and A2 levels in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It was identified throughout this research that listening texts and recordings used in the coursebooks are in considerable alignment with the aforementioned criteria. It was concluded as the result of the research that, once the issues raised are responded to, the analysed coursebooks shall contribute to the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language more efficiently.
Keywords: Anadolu coursebook, listening skills, listening activity, Teaching Turkish to speakers of other languages, CEFR.
How to Cite
Yabanci dil olarak türkçe öğretiminde a1 ve a2 seviyesinde kullanilan anadolu ders kitaplarindaki dinleme metinlerinin içerik analizi.
SDU University Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, [S.l.], v. 60, n. 3, p. 128 - 145, sep. 2022.
ISSN 2709-264X.
Available at: <https://journals.sdu.edu.kz/index.php/ptm/article/view/754>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
doi: https://doi.org/10.47344/sdu bulletin.v60i3.754.