• A. Sadykova
  • N. Serikbay


Teachers in secondary schools in Kazakhstan take part in various seminars and professional development programs. One of these in-school programs is mentoring. Where a teacher is just starting his career works with a more experienced teacher at a certain period of time. The aim of this work is to help the new teacher adapt to the new environment. This work examined effects of mentoring on education of mathematics for students focusing on how do mentors and mentees perceive mentoring during math classes, how is it recognized and implemented in the school. The study also identify what kind of opportunities these programs may provide for mentors and mentee and what challenges all parties may experience. The research was conducted using a qualitative research approach, with data gathered by semi-structured interviews and augmented with a paper overview of school policy and other mentoring-related records. Six people were interviewed, portraying mentors and mentees. The results showed that, amid time constraints, periodic mentor-mentee mismatches, and disparities in perceptions toward mentoring, it has a significant effect on teachers' professional growth and to education process. Teachers connect mentorship with topic awareness growth, career development growth, efficient integration, potential for independent consultation. Mentoring can be introduced as a low-cost, fast, and active addition to schools’ professional development activities as part of Kazakhstan's shifting education system.
How to Cite
SADYKOVA, A.; SERIKBAY, N.. EFFECTS OF MENTORING ON EDUCATION OF MATHEMATICS FOR STUDENTS. SDU University Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, [S.l.], v. 55, n. 2, p. 92-100, june 2021. ISSN 2709-264X. Available at: <https://journals.sdu.edu.kz/index.php/ptm/article/view/570>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.47344/sdu bulletin.v55i2.570.